AFS Intercultural Programs – Global Up Americas U.S. & Latin America
AFS Intercultural Programs’ Global Up Americas connects young people and their educators in the Americas, developing them as active leaders through a virtual, classroom-to-classroom learning experience with live facilitated dialogue sessions. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: High School/Grades 9-12 (14-17 years old)
- Partners: High school educators who teach any subject relevant to the program’s core curriculum components: language learning (Spanish and English), geography, social studies, global affairs, among others.
- Locations: United States, Colombia, Mexico
- Time Frame: Two-three hours/week over five to six weeks; October–December, January–June 2024, September–December 2024
Digital Promise – Building Global Apps U.S. & MENA
Digital Promise’s Building Global Apps, designed in partnership with MAD-Learn and the International Education Association, fosters interpersonal and design thinking skills by connecting high school-aged youth in Lebanon and the United States through mobile app-building. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: High School/Grades 9-12
- Partners: High school teachers.
- Locations: United States (States located in U.S. Eastern Time and Central Time preferred), Lebanon
- Time Frame: Two to three hours/week over seven weeks; October-November 2024
Global Nomads Group – Building Understanding Through Language Learning U.S. & Latin America
Global Nomads Group’s Building Understanding Through Language Learning promotes empathy and awareness through language learning by connecting young people in Mexico and the United States to exchange ideas, learn about each other’s cultures, and practice their language skills in peer-to-peer conversations. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: Middle School/Grades 6-8, High School/Grades 9-12
- Partners: English and Spanish language educators in Mexico and the U.S. in middle and high schools. Program managers at organizations in Mexico and the U.S. in out-of-school language learning programs for middle and high school aged youth.
- Locations: United States, Mexico
- Time Frame: One to one and a half hours/week over eight to 12 weeks; February–May
Global Nomads Group – Real Youth, Artificial Intelligence U.S. & MENA
Global Nomads Group’s (GNG) Real Youth, Artificial Intelligence connects middle and high school-aged youth for a virtual exchange about AI developed by youth designers through an internship with GNG’s Content Creation Lab. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: Middle School/Grades 6-8, High School/Grades 9-12
- Partners: Administrators and educators at middle schools and high schools. Program managers and coordinators at community centers and organizations working directly with youth between the ages of 12-18.
- Locations: United States, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Tunisia
- Time Frame: Two to four hours/week over four weeks
iEARN-USA – Compañeros de Clase Globales U.S. & Latin America
iEARN-USA’s Compañeros de Clase Globales connects classrooms in Guatemala and the United States (including Puerto Rico), engaging students in global, collaborative learning while they examine compelling real-world issues and explore ways they can make a difference. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: Elementary School/Grades 4-6, High School/Grades 11-12
- Partners: Educators or community-based instructors who work with students in grades 4-6 or students in grades 11-12 in the classroom.
- Locations: United States, Guatemala
- Time Frame: Two hours/week over six to 12 weeks; March–May, September–November
iEARN-USA - Storytelling for Change U.S. & MENA
iEARN-USA’s Storytelling for Change builds global leaders by engaging Algerian, Tunisian, and American youth in global collaboration to tell stories about real world issues in their local communities. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: High School/Grades 9-12
- Partners: Educators who work with high school-aged youth in schools or out-of-school programs.
- Locations: Algeria, Tunisia, United States (States located in U.S. Eastern Time and Central Time only)
- Time Frame: At least two hours/week over seven weeks; September-November, March-May
International Foundation for Training and Development (IFTD) – Youth for Sustainable Development Goals U.S. & MENA
IFTD’s Youth for Sustainable Development Goals fosters critical thinking, communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills among high school-aged youth in North Africa and the United States through interactive discussions and collaborative projects that address solutions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: High School/Grades 9-12
- Partner Profile: Educational institutions, nonprofits, and organizations focused on youth development in the U.S. (Eastern and Central Times)
- Locations: United States
- One to three hours/week for eight weeks
IREX - World Smarts Changemakers U.S. & Latin America
IREX’s World Smarts Changemakers connects young people from the United States and Latin America in bilingual conversation and a problem-based learning experience that inspires mutual understanding, language immersion, and community development. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: Middle School/Grades 6-8, High School/Grades 9-12
- Partners: Educators who work with middle and high school-aged students.
- Locations: United States (Maryland, Virginia, Washington, DC), Guatemala
- Time Frame: Nine weeks; two hours/week; Fall: September-November, Spring: February-April
Mapworks Learning – Ukraine Youth Action Network U.S. & Europe
MapWorks Learning’s Ukraine Youth Network connects young Ukrainians displaced by war with peers in the United States to jointly develop and practice skills of leadership and agency as well as to design and implement concrete plans to benefit Ukraine. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: Middle School/Grades 6-8, High School/Grades 9-12
- Partners: High school and middle school teachers in any subject as well as youth development organizations, such as 4-H and scouting troops (e.g. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Plast)
- Locations: Ukraine (Western), European Union, United States
- Time Frame: September-December; January-May
Marshall Legacy Institute – Peace Through Sport U.S. & MENA
The Marshall Legacy Institute’s Peace Through Sport fosters global connections between American and Yemeni youth, using the common language of sport to promote leadership, civic engagement, and understanding, which prepares participants to create positive change in their communities. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: High School/Grades 9-12; Undergraduate
- Partners: Teachers and administrators in private schools, public schools, and higher education institutions as well as leaders of clubs and groups working with youth and young adults.
- Locations: United States
- Time Frame: Eight weeks from January-February, April-May, July-August, and October-November 2025
Plugged in Band Program – Peace Tracks U.S. & MENA
Plugged In Band Program’s Peace Tracks is a music-focused online youth exchange that provides high school students with an unforgettable opportunity to connect with peers in other countries to get to know them, learn about their cultures, and collaborate over the course of a semester on an original song. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: High School/Grades 9-12
- Partners: Educators who work with high-school students in schools; community-based organizations with instructors who work with high-school students in after- or out-of-school programs during weekday; or community-based organization specializing in virtual exchange.
- Locations: Jordan, Morocco, Palestinian Territories, United States
- Time Frame: Two hours/week over 14 weeks; February-April, September-January
Take Action Global – Taking Action Together U.S. & MENA
Take Action Global’s Taking Action Together provides learning experiences for teachers and students centered on environmental literacy and meaningful global connections. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: High School/Grades 9-12
- Partners: K-12 school leaders who have a team of teachers ready to commit their school from August 2024-May 2025.
- Locations: Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
- Time Frame: One to two hours/week over 10 to 12 weeks; August 2024-May 2025
Higher Education
American Association of Colleges & Universities – Institute for Virtual Exchange and COIL Centers of Excellence U.S. & MENA
AAC&U’s Institute for Virtual Exchange and COIL Centers of Excellence advances innovation in global education through enduring virtual exchange programming, specifically Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) models, to create centers of excellence at select institutions in the Middle East and North Africa and the United States. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: Undergraduate; Graduate
- Faculty and administrators interested in bringing COIL to their institutions.
- Locations: United States, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Palestinian Territories
- Time Frame: Three hours/week for 13 weeks
Amideast – Qisasna U.S. & MENA
Amideast’s Qisasna facilitates exchange between young people in the United States and Yemen by providing them with the skills they need to produce podcasts on shared challenges and opportunities between youth. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: High School/Grades 9-12 (Yemen), Undergraduate (Yemen and U.S.), Young adult (Yemen: Gap year students in particular)
- Partners: Faculty and administrators at higher education institutions, as well as program managers at organizations that engage with youth and young adults.
- Locations: United States, Yemen
- Time Frame: At least three hours/week over 12 weeks; February-May, September-December
Institute of International Education - Harnessing Innovation through Virtual Exchange for Enhanced Results (HIVER) U.S. & MENA
IIE’s HIVER develops interpersonal communication, problem-solving, and leadership skills among students at participating universities in the United States and Middle East and North Africa. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: Undergraduate, Graduate
- Partners: Faculty at higher education institutions from any disciplines.
- Locations: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Palestinian Territories, Tunisia, United States
- Time Frame: Three-four hours/week over 12 weeks; fall 2023, spring 2024, fall 2024, spring 2025
IREX – Global Solutions U.S. & MENA
IREX’s Global Solutions encompasses two virtual exchange programs designed for college students in Iraq, Jordan, and the United States that explore challenges to and solutions for global issues. GSSC is an eight-week virtual business competition where participants develop and pitch an innovative business concept that addresses a UN SDG while building essential workforce and leadership skills. GSC connects young people over six weeks for live discussions about their culture and global issues, which culminates in a joint session engaging all participants to celebrate their innovative ideas and share lessons learned. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: Undergraduate, Graduate
- Partners: Faculty and administrators at higher education institutions from any disciplines.
- Locations: Iraq, Jordan, United States
- Time Frame: At least three hours/week over eight weeks; October-December, February- April (GSSC), at least one and a half hours/week over six weeks; October-November, March-April (GSC)
Marshall Legacy Institute – Peace Through Sport U.S. & MENA
The Marshall Legacy Institute’s Peace Through Sport fosters global connections between American and Yemeni youth, using the common language of sport to promote leadership, civic engagement, and understanding, which prepares participants to create positive change in their communities. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: High School/Grades 9-12; Undergraduate
- Partners: Teachers and administrators in private schools, public schools, and higher education institutions as well as leaders of clubs and groups working with youth and young adults.
- Locations: United States
- Time Frame: Eight weeks from January-February, April-May, July-August, and October-November 2025
Mexican Association for International Education - Program for the Internationalization of the Curricula for the Americas U.S. & Latin America
AMPEI’s Program for the Internationalization of the Curricula for the Americas (PIC-AMERICAS) identifies, pairs, and trains faculty from across the Americas to catalyze the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) model of virtual exchange through networking support, COIL design workshops, specialized mentoring, and training for COIL coordinators of higher education institutions, providing thousands of young people opportunities to learn alongside international peers. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: Undergraduate, Graduate
- Partners: Faculty and administrators at higher education institutions
- Locations: United States, Argentina, Belize, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and Perú
- Time Frame: Five to six hours/week over five-eight weeks; fall 2024, spring 2025
PATHWAYS Institute for Negotiation Education – Game Changers: Creative Negotiation Skills U.S. & MENA
PATHWAYS Institute for Negotiation Education’s Game Changers: Creative Negotiation Skills builds confidence and skills for creative negotiation, problem-solving, and leadership among university students coming together from Israel and the United States. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: Undergraduate
- Partners: Faculty and administrators at higher education institutions, particularly from education, social sciences, and humanities.
- Locations: Israel, United States
- Time Frame: Two and a half hours/week, in two weekly sessions, over six to seven weeks. October-December; February-April
Soliya – Connect Program U.S. & MENA
Soliya’s Connect Program, in partnership with colleges and universities in the United States and in the Middle East and North Africa, brings together students for four-to-eight weeks to discuss current global events and issues in the presence of facilitators trained in dialogue and conflict resolution. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: Undergraduate, Graduate, Young adult
- Partners: Faculty and administrators at higher education institutions; and program managers at organizations that engage with youth and young adults for education. Learn about Soliya’s partners in the United States and Middle East and North Africa here.
- Locations: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinian Territories, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, United States
- Time Frame: Four-, five-, and eight-week program options, with two hours face time allocated over each week; March-May, October-December.
Soliya – Global Circles U.S. & MENA
Soliya’s Global Circles bring together young adults and professionals for two-week discussions by facilitators trained in dialogue and conflict resolution, with a particular focus on the impact of globalized technologies on society, and is open to direct enrollment. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: Undergraduate, Graduate, Young Adult
- Partners: Faculty and administrators at higher education institutions, as well as program managers at organizations that engage with youth and young professionals. Individuals also qualify to participate through open enrollment.
- Locations: Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinian Territories, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates, United States, Yemen
- Time Frame: Two and a half-hour live exchanges/week over two weeks; February, March, April, June, September, October, November
World Learning – STEAM Innovations U.S. & MENA
World Learning’s STEAM Innovations effectively prepares college-aged youth from Algeria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and the United States for successful exploration of future STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) specialties and careers, while fostering mutual understanding and equipping them with critical skills and the ability to contribute meaningfully to their communities. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: Undergraduate, Graduate
- Partners: Faculty and administrators at higher education institutions who have a strong connection with youth and young adults, particularly those involved in STEM fields.
- Locations: United States, Algeria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia
- Time Frame: Four to six hours/week over eight weeks
Young Adult
Amideast – Qisasna U.S. & MENA
Amideast’s Qisasna facilitates exchange between young people in the United States and Yemen by providing them with the skills they need to produce podcasts on shared challenges and opportunities between youth. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: High School/Grades 9-12 (Yemen), Undergraduate (Yemen and U.S.), Young adult (Yemen: Gap year students in particular)
- Partners: Faculty and administrators at higher education institutions, as well as program managers at organizations that engage with youth and young adults.
- Locations: United States, Yemen
- Time Frame: At least three hours/week over 12 weeks; February-May, September-December
Soliya – Connect Program U.S. & MENA
Soliya’s Connect Program, in partnership with colleges and universities in the United States and in the Middle East and North Africa, brings together students for four-to-eight weeks to discuss current global events and issues in the presence of facilitators trained in dialogue and conflict resolution. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: Undergraduate, Graduate, Young adult
- Partners: Faculty and administrators at higher education institutions; and program managers at organizations that engage with youth and young adults for education. Learn about Soliya’s partners in the United States and Middle East and North Africa here.
- Locations: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinian Territories, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, United States
- Time Frame: Four-, five-, and eight-week program options, with two hours face time allocated over each week; March-May, October-December.
Soliya – Global Circles U.S. & MENA
Soliya’s Global Circles bring together young adults and professionals for two-week discussions by facilitators trained in dialogue and conflict resolution, with a particular focus on the impact of globalized technologies on society, and is open to direct enrollment. Learn more.
- Participant Age Group: Undergraduate, Graduate, Young Adult
- Partners: Faculty and administrators at higher education institutions, as well as program managers at organizations that engage with youth and young professionals. Individuals also qualify to participate through open enrollment.
- Locations: Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinian Territories, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates, United States, Yemen
- Time Frame: Two and a half-hour live exchanges/week over two weeks; February, March, April, June, September, October, November